
A year. That's how long I didn't blog. One whole year. The last I really blogged about my college prom night. Which means that there has been oh so many things that had actually happened. Even as I am writing this, I feel the heavy ache in my heart, knowing that there would have been so many memories that had slipped through my brain, that may or may not have been lost forever, but I'll try just writing all that I can remember.

Like I said, so much had happened. Life had just been piling up and piling up till at times, I just feel like I cant take it no more. But in this post, I wont blog about anything to do with how I feel right now just yet, but just the events that occurred. Just the events and my feelings towards them.

It's 6 am here in Malaysia, and I still can't sleep. I have idea if it's because of my jet lag, or if it's because I'm just too tired. So I decided to reopen my blog, and just type out stuff.

I'll do it month by month, highlighting only the important events. I will write about everything I remember, everything I felt, and if by any remote chance I hurt some feelings here, I'm sorry. It's my blog. My place to vent. My safe haven where I can say anything, without feeling the need to protect anyone's feelings either than my own.

I stopped on August 2011. Up till the beginning of 2012 I've been juggling both my Diploma final semester and my foundation studies. The only problem I faced then was that some of the people I thought were my friends, showed their real colours then, by nearly sabotaging the completion of my studies. But since God was with me, and I had the supports of my family, I managed to ace both my diploma and my foundation studies, so I'm cool.

Then came March, when it was time for me to finally start my MD. In Kursk. Russia.

So, I left Malaysia on the 14th of March 2012, for the first time leaving my family behind. Me, the one who didn't even want to attend boarding school. Me, who have been pampered by my parents for as long as I remember. Me, who couldn't even cook back then. Me, who wouldn't do anything on my own, going off to a foreign land, all by myself? At that time, it looked like it was not such a good idea, but I wanted to give it a try. And  boy did I learn alot.

We used Singapore airlines to go there. We received a culture shock with every element that was there. The people, the weather, the rules. But we adapted really fast. Not that we had a choice. So here I am, 4 months later. I know how to cook, I can take care of myself without needing to rely totally on my parents. Believe it or not, I cleaned the toilet!

Classes started as soon as we settled down and the long, tiring process of registration was completed. Our batch of around 50 students were divided into 4 groups; 22,23,26, and 27. I was assigned to group 23 with Alya, where else Tharsh, Kah Ying, and Jec was assigned to group 27, 22, and 26 respectively. Initially, we decided to choose our groupmates, but since some people wanted to be in certain groups, there was some small amount of jealousy so our group-mates were assigned to us instead.

The university has this system where they break down students into smaller groups of people, who for 6 years, would be attending practical classes together. Lectures are the only place where all batchmates from all over the world attend together. So for 6 years, if no one petitions for a change of group, we'll be together. This will be our family in Russia.

Here is where I usually shout out those who I feel extremely blessed to have meet, how we met, what we usually do, so meet :

Melvinder Singh 

Indian Night 2012

We had a kind of 'secret' friendship during Nirwana days since he's from the April intake, I'm from June and during the Nirwana days, there was bad blood (immature though, but bad blood nonetheless) between the two intakes. We started communicating through facebook, and now, nearly 8 months later, he's one of the most awesome guy friend one can have. I wanted him to be in the same group as me since the beginning, but alas, we just had to be assigned to different groups. We usually just talk about everything ranging from studies all the way to crap. He's nice to talk to about anything, and although he says he doesn't always understand what I'm saying, he's catching on. 

Balminder Singh
Injection time!

To tell you the truth, and he already know this, I didn't really like him during Nirwana days. I've heard so much negative stories about him that I really didn't feel comfortable being in a close proximity with him. The only reason I started talking to him in Russia was because Bal's Mel's cousin. So imagine my horror when he was actually assigned to the same group as me. But I was wrong, he actually is a really nice person once you get to know him. He reminds me of Adi; a very funny, quirky and a very kind friend to have. He's like the giant talking teddy bear that we all used  have when we were kids. He has helped me multiple times, even when I didn't need it. Like his cousin, you can talk about anything and everything with him. He has a very fascinating background, hates sarcasm, which makes me wonder how he manages to actually be one of my closest friends from Kursk. Oh yeah, he loves sleeping during the movie nights that we used to have with our groupmates every Saturday.

Adina Yasmin
Metro trip!

 The baby that I met and got closer to once I reached Kursk. She's Jec's roomate, hence why we started talking in the first place. She's the only reason why I don't feel so homesick because I can talk rojak with her and she will understand my point. She's extremely helpful and will always extend a helping hand whether or not you need it. She's funny and most importantly, she understands internet memes! She gets excited when mummy posts on her wall as well. Hahah!

Labour Day Parade 2012

 We were not really close during Nirwana. Just random heys and byes. But now, she's everything you need in a girlfriend. She keeps your secrets, she always have your back, she's an awesome cook! She's also my neighbour in Kursk, so can just go to the next room and talk non stop. She helps me concentrate on my studies and she once threatened to pour cold water on me if I didn't wake up early one morning to study for an exam that I was having. What more can a girl ask for?

So, it's 10.30 am now, and I still haven't sleep. Imma try to sleep now, so part 2 will be updated once I awake!


Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: "Free to good home. You want it, you take it." For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. He eventually decided that people were too un-trusting of this deal. It looked to good to be true, so he changed the sign to read: "Fridge for sale $50." The next day someone stole it.
They walk among us! o.O

While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent which direction was north because, he explained, he didn't want the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, "Does the sun rise in the north?" When my brother explained that the sun rises in the east, and has for sometime, she shook her head and said, "Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff."
They walk among us! o.O

I used to work in technical support for a 24/7 call center. One day I got a call from an individual who asked what hours the call center was open. I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific time?" Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh, Pacific" . 
They walk among us! o.O

My colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the administrative assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the shore. She drove down in a convertible, but "didn't think she'd get sunburned because the car was moving".
They walk among us! o.O

My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car it's designed to cut through a seat belt if she gets trapped. 
She keeps it in the trunk.
They walk among us! o.O

My friends and I were on a beer run and noticed that the cases were discounted 10%. Since it was a big party, we bought 2 cases. The cashier multiplied 2 times 10% and gave us a 20% discount.
They walk among us! o.O

I was hanging out with a friend when we saw a woman with a nose ring attached to an earring by a chain. My friend said, "Wouldn't the chain rip out every time she turned her head?" I explained that a person's nose and ear remain the same distance apart no matter which way the head is turned.
They walk among us! o.O

I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area. So I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and I was in good hands. "Now," she asked me, "has your plane arrived yet?"

They walk among us! o.O

While working at a pizza parlor I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some time before responding. "Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.
They walk among us! o.O

The awkward moment ; Social Networking post edition.

The awkward moment when someone posts something on a social networking site that raises questions, but when asked about said question, OP coyly replies something else or refuses to answer at all.

Like, WTF. o.O
I mean, why post then?

It's like;
''Hey! Something awesome happened to me today!!! *wink2*''

and you know the OP is dying for people to actually ask them happened.
And when they get the response they want, they're like;
''Ummm.. Thanks for asking, but I can't tell you! Thats for me to knoww, and for you to never find out. But BTW, hows you kitten?''

Like. WTF man. WTF. =.=''
Just saying.

Wild Hat Night

Only after 10 days later am I now realizing that I haven't actually blogged about my Nirwana Prom Night.

Oh, what a magical night it was... not for me, but I think it was magical for some of my friends :P

For me, this event which was supposed to be spectacular, turned out quite sour. Why?

Well, for one, it started out all wrong.
I got into the car, drove for around 2 minutes and then realized that my car was 'thirsty'.
And I had to use my allowance to fill up her tank.
That set me back around 5 minutes.
Then came the traffic jam.
I mean, who would have thought that at 8 p.m. there would be heavy traffic =,=
Then, by the time I reached the hotel, (which had a super small parking space) and found a vacant spot (3 levels below the Ground level), used the staircase up to the lobby (the hotels car park has no lift service; bare in mind that I was in high heels and in my prom dress), only to find that the car park building does NOT have a connecting  entrance with the lobby (which would not have been a problem if it wasn't raining cats and dogs, which soaked my hair and my dress and my make up), I was already half an hour late.

So tell me now, how was that magical? =_______=''

But the night went on well, until some personal problems came up right before the opening of the dance floor.

And caused me to have a MAJOR headache.
Then when the floor was open, the lack of oxygen and the lack of space on the floor made me feel claustrophobic.
And all I wanted to do then was puke.
I hope, and I really do, that I didn't spoil the fun for two of my friends who came up with me :(

These are some of the photos that we took that night :

Iman :)

Jeco :)

Jeco & Kah Ying <3

Alya, Kah Ying & Jeco <33

Haqqim, Yoges, Lau, & Andrew :)


Meet the classmates <33

 and thus ends my say about how awesome prom was for me :P

ooh, one more photo I forgot to add :3

Now I know...

The only reason why I'm so pissed off and moody all the time is because I'm tired of feeling sad and depressed.

Sick, I know...
But happiness dont come easy no more...

Even Raja Petra says the same thing as me :P

haha. Not really. But still :p

So I just visited his page on Malaysia Today just now and I saw in one of his articles, he wrote this ;

''The Indians and Chinese we have in
Malaysia today are descendants of the
immigrants of the 1850 to 1920 era. In
short, today’s Indians and Chinese
are Malaysian-born, which means they
are Malaysians and not immigrants.
That is why these ‘immigrants’ are
loyal to Malaysia and not to India or
China, which is very important (and if I
have to explain this statement then
you are brain dead).''

If you read my blog, you'll realize i said something like this few posts back, when I was talking about the school teacher being friggin racist.
So yeah. Take that :)

Tired of Racism Rant

I'm officially tired with racists.
Tired I tell you.
If only there's a way to spray love and equality essence on people.

To everyone here who uses Rapid bus, if you come across a bald, fat and short Malay driver named Zanawi, please, send him this message from me.

Tell him, with his mentality, its no wonder why he's only a bus driver.

Tell him, one should STOP at a bus stop, not only for his race passengers, but for other races as well.

Tell him, dont slow down just to see if the passengers are Indians or Chinese or others and then go.

Thats all he's being paid for.

To stop, pickup and drop off passengers to their desired destination.

And if anyone actually helps me relay my message to him, thank you.

I'm just tired of this fellow.
Its not the first, or second time he did this to me.
I know its cuz I'm Indian.
You wanna know why?
It's because he stops if there is a person of his colour at the bus stop with me who wants to go KL.

He also said some stuffs last Deepavali about the 'people' who crowd Brickfields, making it packed and jammed.

I will send a complain letter to the Rapid authorities, but knowing them, I'm 70% sure that no action will be taken.

And to those who WILL see this as a racist post, think what you want.
My friends and loved ones know me enough to know the truth.



Things are about to change.
Nothing gives me more excitement than good, big ol' change =)
and I can assure you, that this change is gonna be something unexpected if you don't know me well,
Just wait a few more months and all will be different.
Good different hopefully, by God's grace :) <3

Ghostly Affairs.

Baik-baik bila pergi ke KLCC !! Bawa kawan dan jangan sorang-sorang. Kisah benar yang mengerikan lagi menyeramkan ini terjadi kepada seorang staff lelaki yang bekerja di tingkat 40 bangunan KLCC.

Pada hari tersebut (hari Khamis malam Jum’at) beliau ada membuat OT dan terpaksa pulang agak lewat kira-kira jam 11 malam sendirian. Sampai di depan lif, dia pun tekan tombol untuk turun. Kemudian,pintu lift terbuka tanpa ada siapa2 didalamnya. Dia masuk dan tekan tombol “G” untuk ke Ground floor.
Tetapi entah mengapa, lift yang dia naiki itu terus naik ke atas, tidak turun ke bawah. Ketika sampai di tingkat 59, lift tersebut berhenti. Dan pintu lif terbuka… kemudian masuklah seorang perempuan yang cantik dan menawan sekali sambil tersenyum manis. Dia tak pernah melihat perempuan itu sepanjang bertugas di KLCC. Perempuan tadi pun masuk dan berdiri di belakangnya.
Dia tertanya-tanya di dalam hatinya… “Siapa perempuan itu, dan kenapa sudah lewat malam belum pulang ke rumah?” Mau disapa terasa malu pula, jadi masing-masing saling diamlah. Dalam suasana hening sepi itu, lift tersebut terus meluncur turun dari satu tingkat ke satu tingkat.
Tiba di tingkat 13, lampu lift terpadam dan lift terhenti. Dia mencium bau yang teramat busuk, yang mengganggu rongga hidungnya. Bulu romanya tiba-tiba berdiri. Dalam keadaan yang begitu cemas dan seram, dia cuba menenangkan perasaannya dengan membaca apa sahaja ayat-ayat suci yang terlintas diingatannya sambil memberanikan diri untuk menoleh ke belakang setelah lampu lift menyala………
Kelihatan wajah perempuan itu telah berubah menjadi pucat dan riak mukanya juga kelihatan amat mencurigakan ….
Dia cuba menjerit untuk meminta pertolongan, tetapi lidahnya terasa kelu dan kakinya juga menjadi kaku untuk membuka langkah.
Tiba-tiba, perempuan misteri itu mula membuka mulut dan berkata ……..
“Maaf ya… saya terkentut tadi… abang jangan marah ya ?”

(taken from

Why. (Post Edition)

Why is it that people who copies stuff off the internet and uses it as their status on Facebook, or maybe a blog post, mostly all the time claim that it's their work?

I mean, why can't they admit that it's someone else's work?
Isn't it kinda embarrassing to get caught?

And mind you, it's very easy to get caught.
Just copy and paste said article onto a search engine (preferably Google) and click search.

I find it amusing when someone steals the hard work of someone else and then claims that "she and her brother figured it out".
I mean, come onlah weyh.

If its an original thought, then why is it available in multiple sites on the internet, dating since 2000? =.='

And why lie?
Just saylah you read it somewhere and you would like to share it with your friends.

At least that way if someone comes across the original article, they wont laugh behind your back.

The funny thing is, when actually caught, they tend to get angry with the one who found it =.=''

I don't really know why I am so irritated with this sort of behavior.

I think it may have to do with the fact that I know that it's not easy to come up with something, or write something, and if someone just easily copies your hard work and takes all the credit for it... it's kinda low.

It's a sucky attitude okay?

There's nothing wrong with copying someone else's work, just as long as you give credit to the author.
That's the least amount of appreciation you can give to the owner of the article.


Jaycee Lee Dugard's kidnapper Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison today.

If only he could serve all of that and then some.

His wife Nancy also earned 36 years Thursday in a Placerville, Calif., courtroom.

If nothing else, neither should enjoy another second of freedom.

The husband and wife both pleaded guilty to kidnapping Jaycee Dugard from a Lake Tahoe, Calif., bus stop when the poor girl was just 11.

Jaycee was held as a prisoner in their backyard for 18 years and was raped repeatedly, giving birth to two daughters over that time. He impregnated Jaycee for the first time when she was just 13, and again at age 16 and she gave birth both times to daughters.

Since her miraculous discovery and escape, she lives with her mom and the two girls.

Jaycee was not in the court for the sentencing, but her mother Terry Probyn read a statement from her before the sentencing:
“To Phillip Garrido, I hated every second of every day of 18 years because of you. To you Nancy, I have nothing to say.”

Probyn also addressed the court, tearfully asking:
“How could someone take away the one person in the world I loved so deeply? Where is she? Is she hungry? Is she cold? Is she hurt? My baby was gone and all my dreams turned to nightmares."

"She was a vulnerable child and I was unable to help her."

“During 18 years away, I could hear her crying, not with my ears, but with my heart. I could feel her pain, not with my body, but with my heart. I lived in hell on earth. It was you Nancy Garrido and Phillip Garrido that broke my heart.”

Those 431 years seem almost lenient.

Taken from (credits to) ;

All I gotta say is ALLELUIA!
Everyone who does these kind of things deserves punishments like this. :)

But imagine--- no don't imagine.
But picture her life for 18 years being abused by all means.
And she was kidnapped at 11!
And gave birth at 13!!
What kind of person does this to a small child?!


Why can't people spell properly?
I'm not exactly a 'grammar nazi' and I know my spelling and my command of English is not THAT great, but come on!

I do use abbreviations but atleast they look pleasant to the eyes, and are nearly always easy to be understood..

'M'?! What the hell does 'm' stand for?

Have you seen some of the FB 'Like' pages? One or two of them are totally unreadable...

I can understand if it's used for texting, because you may want to save some space so you won't be charged for 2 pages, but whats the excuse for while you're on the PC then?

Are we really turning into THAT stupid people? *sigh*

And talking about 'stupidity', check this out...
Found it on one of the 'Like' pages.

In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed to stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods:

On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping.
(Shoot, and that's the only time I have to work on my hair.)

On a bag of Frito's -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
(the shoplifter special?)

On a bar of Dial soap -- "Directions: Use like regular soap,"
(and that would be how???....)

On some Swanson frozen dinners -- "Serving suggestion: Defrost."
(but, it's "just" a suggestion).

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom) -- "Do not turn upside down."
(well...duh, a bit late, huh!)

On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding -- "Product will be hot after heating."
(...and you thought????...)

On packaging for a Rowena iron -- "Do not iron clothes on body."
(but wouldn't this save me more time?)

On Boot's Children Cough Medicine -- "Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication."
(Children Don't Drive, or do they?)

Thank you, Captain Obvious :P


The feeling you get when you're playing poke wars with someone, and you decide to poke someone else just for fun, and the person doesn't poke you back, or remove the poke, and you can't poke them back because technically, they haven't 'recieved' your poke yet and you realize that EVERY time they log onto their facebook, they'll see your name and there's NO way to undo that unless they remove your poke, which they dont? =.=

Peter Gene Hernandez.

Hey Baby!
I think I wanna marry you~~~ <3

Gosh. I'm in love with Bruno Mars!


The world is getting wierder and weirder each day.
Why else would you hear about motorcyclist throwing acid on girls faces?

I can't understand.
Whylah some people so obsessed with 'simbah'-ing acid on girls faces?
What do they get?

In fact, they waste petrol, money to buy acid, time, and God only knows what else. =.=

Kayy. I know, i know. Psycopaths. Thats what they are.

But stilllah, pity those innocent girls who fell victim to these vicious motocyclists.

Picture this. One beautiful day,
after promising her father to study hard,
after saying 'I love you' to her mother,
after kissing her younger brother on the cheek,
and after reassuring her younger sister that she will get the doll that her sister wanted, this girl leaves for college.

On the way, some freak on wheels comes to her, gets her attention by dunno how, and suddenly, out of the blue, throws a bottle of acid on her face!
Talk about the unexpected.

The worst thing is that they are random victimslah.
*shivers* scaryscary.
It's stinking ACIDlah weyh!!!
ZOMG!!!! :O